Kids sports….Why did I start!

I remember when my 13 year old was four and so cute I wanted to just squish his little face. I was so excited for him to play T-ball that I couldn’t give them my $70 fast enough, well I want that back! I did not know that would result in years and years of getting up early(like right now), and staying at the baseball fields until midnight playing for first place. Did you know that if it is double elimination, and the team you just beat in the championship game hasn’t lost yet, you have to play them again??? Ya, that’s fun! I have never heard so many parents start to cheer for the other team under their breath. But, this isn’t baseball season this is basketball season and the coach has decided to just spring 6:30 AM practices on you at random times. Now I am thinking having the text communication from coaches and teachers is a horrible idea, and we need to set up some boundaries like no texting at 8:00 PM on Sunday saying 6 am practice tomorrow! This does not gain in you any fans by child or parent. Luckily my child woke ME up at 5:20 for food…I think I will teach him to use the stove today…

Happy Monday!…Or Tuesday…Is it really Tuesday??

3 Things I Love and Hate

I have to write this fast because someone stole my IPhone cord again and I’m at 22%!

Things I hate…

1. Going to the fridge and all the Dr.Peppers are gone, but the box is still there.

2. Pausing the tv to grab the invisible Dr. Pepper, and someone changes the channel.

3. When your husband learns to pick the bathroom lock with his finger nail,(and the fact that he has a finger nail).

Things I love…

1. Dr. Peppers

2. Summer Camp

3. Finger nail clippers